March 28, 2025

Catskeller Social Club


The Catskeller Social Club Info


Go Beercat Hosts: Brandon and Darin and Cincy Slangin Hosts: Coomer and Hummer

Podcast Inauguration:



Podcasts – Articles – Drinks – Community – Bearcats – Named for the bar that used to sit in the middle of campus, the Catskeller Social Club was founded on the idea that there is no greater unifying force in this world than University of Cincinnati Bearcats fandom. Originating via two fan/alumni-perspective podcasts – Cincy Slangin’ and Go Beercats – the Catskeller Social Club strives to serve as a community for Bearcat fans across the world to connect through their passion, creativity, and adoration for the University of Cincinnati. Both podcasts mainly cover the football and basketball Bearcats but have ventured out into coverage of women’s hoops, baseball, and golf in recent seasons. 
